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OSGS Visit to New Zealand Golf Cub on Saturday 13 November 2021

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OSGS Visit to New Zealand Golf Cub on Saturday 13 November 2021
Old Salopians Sports

The course was in great condition for this time of year ...

On Saturday 13 November twenty Old Salopians gathered at the New Zealand Golf Club, near Woking in Surrey to play the final fixture in the OSGS calendar playing foursomes for The Robert Walker Trophy.

It was great to see three new members of the OSGS playing Chris Spedding, Will Mackenzie and James Dickson and to see brothers Luke & Tom Gerrard making a return to OS golf following their attendance at the Scottish Tour four years ago.

It was a warm November day with little or no wind and whilst it was a bit soggy underfoot the course was in great condition for this time of year. Our grateful thanks to local New Zealand Member Alan Mills (I 1963-66) who was also present to host us.  Following bacon rolls and coffee we set out in five groups playing foursomes and everyone got round the course in a little over three hours – we would have been even quicker except we were following a New Zealand Club Match – so we can truly say the OSGS are speedy golfers!!  We sat down to a sumptuous three course lunch washed down with some New Zealand Club Claret, after which, prizes were awarded to the winners who all received a sleeve of OSGS Logo Pro V1s:

Nearest the Pin on the 5th Hole – Andrew Saunders

Nearest the Pin on the 10th Hole – Tim Dakin

Longest Drive on the 11th Hole – Will Briggs

Longest Drive on the 18th Hole – Richard Hanson

The defending champions Frank Higham and Peter Thwaites made a valiant effort to defend their title with 38 Points but this wasn’t quite enough.  Still it is good to see that Frank Higham is almost fully recovered from his recent hip replacement. The other good news here is that Peter Thwaites remembered to take his clothes home today!!! It saves them having to travel half way round England to be re-united with their owner.

Our runners up were Luke and Tom Gerrard who each received a sleeve of OSGS Logo Pro V1s.  Our Winners today with a very creditable 41 Points were Will Mackenzie and James Dickson who have made a fantastic start to their OSGS golfing careers on their first outing with us today!! Many Congratulations – they received two sleeves of OSGS Logo Pro V1s each and the Robert Walker Foursomes Cup and can been seen holding the trophy below underneath the New Zealand flag after lunch. (James on the left and Will on the right).

It just goes to show that new young golfers who join the OSGS can beat the Old Guard – so if you’re reading this and thinking about joining the OSGS – what are you waiting for? If you’re under 30 you can join for £10 too; otherwise its £25 which is sill a steal to play some fantastic courses like New Zealand.  You can come and challenge our new winners next year!

My thanks to everyone who has played in this slightly disrupted Covid 2021 OSGS Season – the 2022 Fasti is almost complete and I will publish it before the end of the year and I hope to see lots of you playing in 2022

Charles Hill

OSGS Hon Sec

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OSGS Visit to New Zealand Golf Cub on Saturday 13 November 2021