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Chemistry pupils take part in Top of the Bench Competition

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Chemistry pupils take part in Top of the Bench Competition
Academic News Chemistry

A small selection of pupils took part in the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Top of the Bench Competition, an annual school’s chemistry competition designed to fuel students curiosity and excitement for the subject. 

This national competition has run for more than 20 years, offering hundreds of students aged 14–16 having opportunity to put their teamwork skills into action each year. 

This year on Shrewsbury’s Team Bunsen were Mico X (EDH, V), Caesar C (O, IV), Richard W (Rb, III) and Charlotte K (M, III). On Team Beaker were Charlie S (I, V), William H (Rb, IV), Sherene W (MSH, III) and Asaka F (M, III). They have just completed the regional finals and we hope to get news in the new year on whether they have progressed to the next national round.  

The task this year was based in school and was a series of challenging quiz papers spanning the chemistry curriculum and beyond, with a team task entirely focussed on the chemistry of Copper.

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Chemistry pupils take part in Top of the Bench Competition