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Lower Sixth Formers enjoy social studies trip to The Shewsy

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Lower Sixth Formers enjoy social studies trip to The Shewsy
Lower Sixth trips

Last term nine Lower Sixth pupils visited the Shewsy as part of a social studies trip.

The pupils participated in the junior and senior clubs at the Shewsy and had several interesting talks from members of the Shewsy, including the Deputy Mayor of Liverpool City Council.Mari A (MSH, LVI) has reflected on her time at the Shewsy.

I had the pleasure of going to the Shewsy Youth Club, where I made connections with the children on a personal level. We volunteered in the Junior and Senior club. In Junior club, we did multiple activities, from arts and crafts to playing football. They were very welcoming to new visitors and let us get involved. In Senior club, we were able to make lots of valuable, heartening yet casual conversations.

“From spending 3 days with the children, I could sense that the Shewsy was a safe and comforting environment for all of the members. The staff and children had very strong emotional connections, and a supportive community. meeting all children and staff at The Shewsy has given me a new perspective towards the importance of the Sponsored Walk back in September.

“Taking part in this Shewsy trip has been one of the most eye-opening experiences I have had. I enjoyed being able to connect with the children and I was even able to exchange contacts with some.  I learned many important lessons from the staff at the Shewsy, and I truly admire their involvement in the community welfare. This trip has given me the opportunity to face the realities of communities outside of our school and I believe it has been an experience that will last me a lifetime.”

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Lower Sixth Formers enjoy social studies trip to The Shewsy