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Field Day fun for Salopians

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Field Day fun for Salopians
Visits trips

Salopians were out in force enjoying a variety of activities as part of this year’s Field Day.

From Snowdonia to Stiperstones, Llangollen to Long Mynd, our pupils took part in a exciting range of educational adventures that were enjoyed by all despite the wet weather.

Here is a small selection of pictures showcasing just a few of the activities that took place for Field Day, with more to follow in next week’s newsletter.

Director of Activities Nick David said: “Pupils were faced with the challenge of a wet and blustery field day this week – but as these pictures show they coped admirably with all the weather threw at them.


“As ever there was a huge and eclectic range of activities taking place: a Natural History visit to Wales, Creative Writing on the Long Mynd (the paper must have been sodden), the production of a John Peel playlist, a volunteer litter pick and the usual array of adventure activities including climbing and zip lining in Snowdonia, mountain biking in the Welsh hills and expedition training in the Shropshire Hills for the third form. 


“We only name a selection of the two dozen options taking place on the day, and the activities should have provided a welcome change from the routines of school life. Well done all and the spirit of adventure, curiosity, compassion and companionship lives on through our activities programme.”


Deputy Head Co-Curricular Peter Middleton added: “‘Whilst the weather wasn’t exactly the glorious sunshine that we might have hoped for, this term’s Field Day saw an incredible range of activities both on site and off campus. A Salopian education encompasses learning both inside and outside the classroom and this week’s Field Day saw pupils learning about the value of teamwork, leadership, creativity and perseverance amongst others.

Director of Activities Nick David put together a fantastic programme of activities and I’d like to take the opportunity to thank Nick and likewise colleagues from the Common Room who delivered such a fantastic Field Day.


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Field Day fun for Salopians