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Visiting Shrewsbury School

Shrewsbury School crest

Visiting Shrewsbury School
Pastoral Visits

The welfare of all our pupils and staff is our number one priority. This page contains information for Visitors to Shrewsbury School.

Information for Visitors to Shrewsbury School

We are delighted to be able to welcome visitors to our school campus and look forward to your visit.    

To support our community, we would kindly request that you take note of the following:

  • If you are displaying symptoms of COVID-19, please do not visit the school site.
  • We have control measures in place to ensure the safety of our pupils, staff and visitors which include - but are not limited to - well ventilated spaces and access to hand sanitiser. We would be grateful if, on arrival, visitors ensured they made use of the hand sanitisers available at reception or at the venue entrances to the Barnes Theatre, the Maidment Building and the Alington Hall.
  • The use of face coverings is discretionary when attending concerts and theatre performances open to members of the public and parents.

The majority of visitors should report to reception, with the exception of those visiting Admissions, who are advised to park by the Admissions Office (visit Directions & map page for directions).  There is on site parking available for all other visitors beside the Port Hill astro with disabled parking at reception.

Shrewsbury School operates in line with the latest guidance regarding Covid-19 from the UK Government, Public Health England and relevant sectoral advice. In addition to this, we continue to work with sector experts and forums e.g. BSA, HMC, ISC and other schools around the world with whom we can share best practice.

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