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Skippy’s Terriers take to the water after 33 years

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Skippy’s Terriers take to the water after 33 years
Old Salopians Rowing

A rowing crew who hadn’t sat in a boat together since they were Sixth Formers reunited to relive some famous victories on the river more than 30 years ago.

Back in 1990 the 2nd VIII were given the nickname Skippy’s Terriers by their charismatic and much-loved Australian coach Richard Ponsford. Richard was over from Melbourne for five terms to teach, and under his inspirational guidance the Terriers were very successful including winning an unforgettable victory over Teddies 1st VIII at Evesham.

Their other secret weapon was cox Matt Capps (PH 1986-1991) who very sadly died when he was at Durham University.

Such was the team spirit and camaraderie that when a 30 year reunion was mooted by stroke John Cooper (PH 1986-1991) it was enthusiastically received. Covid got in the way for a few years, but on May 7th thanks to the determined efforts of Nick and Caroline Scott with the help of Director of Rowing Athol Hundermark and the Pengwern Boat Club Skippy’s Terriers reassembled to row over the course at Shrewsbury Regatta. Skippy himself woke up at 2am for a pre-outing video call from Melbourne.

The years rolled back and the crew (combined age 400!) were delighted to find their technique and speed returned.

At the end Tom Lewis (R 1986-1991) put together this fantastic video with original footage from the glory days of 1990.

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Skippy’s Terriers take to the water after 33 years