Old Salopians offer students advice on life after Shrewsbury

This week saw the annual session for the Lower Sixth that focuses on preparing for life beyond Shrewsbury.
After a week of exams looking at testing the year’s work, it seems apposite that attention then turns to the next step. As well as talks on the nuts and bolts of university applications and an update on what is new this year, each of the 203 pupils had their own bespoke programme of workshops, based on their intended next steps.
University admissions tutors and subject specialists were on hand to provide expert advice on how to craft the Personal Statement; for those looking to apply to Art, Drama and Music courses, there were specific sessions on preparing a portfolio, showcase, audition, and the differences in their respective applications; those looking to follow a direct route into work had a session with Mr Wain, who oversees all non-university programmes, as well a series of interview practice challenges.
To cap off the day, it was fantastic to relaunch our OS Uni Rep drop in session after a 3 year hiatus. 20 Old Salopians currently studying a wide range of subjects at university, from Classics to Computer Science, Human Sciences to History, kindly came back to Severn shore to talk informally about their experiences and institutions. More widely, I am incredibly grateful to the 400 Old Salopians in the Uni Rep network for so generously giving their time to offer their unique insight into particular universities and courses
The buzz in Quod was almost palpable, as the Lower Sixth were able to engage directly with those currently at university, asking the questions they might have been afraid to ask a teacher or admissions officer. All of this is invaluable in making informed decisions and I look forward to a follow up afternoon in the opening salvos of the Michaelmas Term, where the new Upper Sixth will be able to have increasingly focused guidance.
Toby Percival
Head of Higher Education