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Joint OSGS and Sabrina Club event

Shrewsbury School crest

Joint OSGS and Sabrina Club event
Old Salopians

The Old Salopian Golf Society and Sabrina Club were very pleased to revive their traditional joint event on the eve of the Henley Royal Regatta at the new venue of Henley Golf Club.

A small group played golf in the afternoon including Olivia Dakin (G 2014-19) who works in the golf world as Media Official at the Ladies European Tour. They were joined in the evening by several members of the Sabrina Club who were already in Henley for the Regatta. Everyone enjoyed a substantial supper and drinks before retiring to prepare for a busy few days supporting the School and Sabrina crews on the river. It was great to hold a joint event for two of our biggest Salopian Club societies. Thanks to Charles Hill (SH 1980-84) and Rod Spiby (PH 1979-1984) for organising.

Flickr album: Joint OSGS and Sabrina Club Event 2023 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default - Transparent


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