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Old Salopians share careers advice and interview experience

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Old Salopians share careers advice and interview experience
Old Salopians Futures & Higher Education

Old Salopians have been back to School again this term to offer invaluable careers advice.

Fourteen OS returned to help at the Mock Assessment Day and give the Lower VI a taste of a real life job interview. This was one of four activities designed to replicate the multi-layered approach to recruitment which Salopians are likely to experience in their future lives. The event opened with a talk by Salopian Club Director Holly Fitzgerald who reminded the sixth formers about the power of the Salopian network which will always be there to support them when they leave School.

Five more Old Salopians have been in to School to help with a series of taster sessions on consecutive Monday evenings along with current parents. The Vth form were given food for thought as they consider their A levels choices and possible careers. On the first night three old Salopians talked about their careers which had already taken in the armed services, advertising, venture capital, management consultancy, engineering and project management. The message was flexibility and adaptability are key, and no one career is for life any more.

On the second evening the emphasis was on careers in finance, the construction industry and law.

Many thanks to everyone who gave up their time to talk about their professional lives with current students. It is greatly appreciated by the Futures Department and the Salopian Club. If you would like to get involved and come and chat to students please contact Chris Wain, Head of Futures [email protected] or Holly Fitzgerald [email protected]


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Old Salopians share careers advice and interview experience