Salopian Club Dubai branch hold 14th annual event

Old Salopians based in the UAE gathered on Saturday March 16th for a lunch party.
The Dubai group is one of the most active overseas branches of the Salopian Club. It was set up by Rupert Connor (SH 1992-97) after he moved to Dubai in 2007 and has gone from strength to strength. Over the years events have included a cricket match, golf meetups, blind wine tastings and many suppers in some of the most spectacular venues in Dubai.
Old Salopians have travelled from Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Oman and even Afghanistan to join with many current, prospective, and Old Salopian parents attending along the way.
This year Shrewsbury's Development Director Oliver Jackson-Hutt was on hand to give an update on everything going on back at School.
Thanks to Rupert for building such a thriving OS community. Any Old Salopians living overseas who would like help setting up something similar please contact the office [email protected]