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Report on OSH race against RSSH

Shrewsbury School crest

Report on OSH race against RSSH
Old Salopians

Saturday 24th November was a wet day that created ideal conditions for a cross country run.

In other words, there were wet slippy muddy paths and a swollen Rea Brook to wade through too. Probably the muddiest bit was behind the Pengwern Boat House, where it tries to pull your shoes off ! 34 Runners enjoyed our Annual get-together, which put our impressive team up against the best of  The RSSH and The Staff – including The Headmaster.

Our very own Olly Laws (SH 1993-98) returned this year to kill and this season’s talented Huntsman, Ed Mallett, was close on his heels, at just 23 seconds behind. Ian Haworth is returning to good form (after injury), coming in 3rd, running for the Staff.  Overall, The Old Salopian Hunt came 2nd, with 59 points, getting closer to the RSSH with 43 points. The full list of runners can be found here.

Click here for images from the day's events.

This year, there were five Huntsmen present, who gathered for a photo in front of The School Building. Andrew Skinner (2003-04), Olly Laws (1997-98), Ed Mallett, (2012-13), Tim Bedell (1977-78), Peter Birch (1970-71). We’re hoping to double that number next year to beat a record !

There was a fairly unique running group present, formed by four of The Blake Family. David brought his sons Alex and Kris to give The Senior Whip, Seb, a bit of competition !  Ed Bolland and Andy Skinner gave good performances, as did brothers James and Simon Adney. Tim Bedell and David Thomas followed soon after and then Ewen Robertson, on his first visit to an OSH event.  Ian Young and I kept the clock going to 30 minutes and our stalwart runners, Anthony Hickson and Cliff Simpkin, brought the run to a close.

After a much needed hot shower, we welcomed the excellent spread of rolls and cake and tea in The New Hunt Gym, amongst the growing display of Hunt memorabilia.  By 5.30pm, it was time for the OSH AGM & Committee Meeting, which is held in the Moser Library, and as usual, we started the proceedings with a “Toast to Mort”  , who many of you will remember with fondness, as he and Willie Jones were our Hunt Coaches  for many years.

The evening was rounded off with the Annual Dinner, where 16 of us enjoyed company which included OSH Honorary Member, Dr. David Gee, who, this September completed his 53rd Tucks Run. So, it gave me great pleasure to present him with an original Old Salopian Hunt Tie. The Huntsman and The Senior Whip also came along to enjoy the food and drink.

It doesn’t really matter what the weather throws at us,  as we always enjoy the whole day, which I hope some of you will want to do next year  on Saturday 30th November, 2013. 

Peter Birch

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Report on OSH race against RSSH