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Report on the TH & H Annual Alumni Race

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Report on the TH & H Annual Alumni Race
Old Salopians

At 2.30pm , some 130 “Boys and Girls” from all from all ages stretched across “The Richardson Evans Memorial Playing Fields” for the start of the 60th Thames Hare & Hound Alumni Race ( for all Old Boys and Girls of Schools ) which is held on part of Wimbledon Common, in London.

So, there was just time for our injured Hon. Treasurer, David Thomas (Rt. 1971-75), to take The Old Salopian Hunt “Team Photo” of Simon Pickles (M. 1971-76) and his Son, Sam (aged 12), along with Chairman Peter Birch (Db. 1966-71) , before the unheard “Start” !

Once away from the fast start across the playing fields,  Sam, Simon and Peter eventually settled down to a good running pace through the woods and along the undulating muddy tracks. This grouping together helped support each other, as log jumps and boggy dips tried to through all off-balance.   There was the first steep path which started to stretch out the field, so there was less jostling on some of the narrower paths that followed. The mud continued to appear,  climbing as well as descending, including some variations of composition that included the aroma and consistency of cow dung, which is very good for the complexion !   Young Sam, despite his young age, was a valuable team member for the day, running with a strength that his father must be proud of, never faltering and light of foot on this difficult course.   Traversing across a top plateau, where the track was firmer under foot, saw the importance of maintaining a good breathing pattern , so that strength could be gathered before once again dropping down into the variant conditions amongst the woods.

The course was cleverly planned to make the runner think it was nearing its end, and at certain points,  David encouraged and took pictures.  But, eventually the finish was seen around the perimeter of the playing fields, in front of The Club House.

The OSH Team had stuck together fairly well, and even though a runner from Clifton completed the course in just under 28 minutes, our first time member, Simon, completed in 40 minutes, followed by Sam  8 seconds behind. Peter was pleased with his time of 41 minutes, since this was a return to Wimbledon after 38 years !
It was a good day and course for Cross Country Running, and despite the small OSH team this year, it can be recommended , especially by The Chairman, as an excellent event to return to next year.

A note to add here is that, while in London that morning, David & Peter took the opportunity to visit Godfrey Goolden  (R.1957-62), who is now being well cared for in a Nursing Home, and looking well . He has many happy memories of Shrewsbury and The Hunt, and asked to send his good wishes to all that remembered him.

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Report on the TH & H Annual Alumni Race