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The OSH Chairman's View of the OSH v RSSH Race

Shrewsbury School crest

The OSH Chairman's View of the OSH v RSSH Race
Old Salopians

The Annual Run with The RSSH on Saturday afternoon, 7th December, 2013, provided good competition for The Hunt and OSH alike.  

This year we finished only 6 points behind The Hunt, which is a result that is closer than the 17 points difference of last year.  We had fine weather for the day, with a hint of cool sunshine between the clouds. The ground was firm enough not to get too bogged down, especially behind the Pengwern Boat Club.  

There was friendly rivalry between our Captain, Oli Mott and last year’s winner, Olly Laws, with The Captain taking the cup from Olly, after making a 24 second gap between them.  However, The Hunt’s new star, Ben Remnant (Ch), was hot on Olly’s heels, with just 18 seconds separating them.  These three all completed the course in under 20 minutes, with The Huntsman, Rory Fraser (Ch), just behind.  There was a much larger & impressive squad of eight RSSH Girls this year, with a superb run from Tory Mobley (EDH), who happens to be the first female “Gentleman of The Runs” of The Hunt.  

It was good to see more recent leavers, Tom Cousins (PH 07-12) and James Humpish (SH 08-13) running well to give our team those cherished points that we needed.  We must thank Peter Middleton (The Master in Charge of The Hunt) for joining our ranks for the day and it was good to welcome back Everest Climber, Adam Booth, who had obviously kept fit since his May ascent and was only 2 seconds in front of Oli Mott’s wife, Hilary.  Behind fell runner James Adney, we had friends, Richard Jones and Tim Minns (Huntsman of 1978-79), returning to the School after some 30 years, to still make a good impression on the score.  

Your Chairman was to knock nearly two minutes off his time and The Treasurer was noticed taking time out to sidestep the badger holes on Ridgemount Drive (at least that’s what I think he was doing !).  As ever, it was great to welcome back Will Painter, Cliff Simpkin, Anthony Hickson as well as the notable  OSH  whipper-in , Richard Hudson, who was only 18 minutes behind Oli Mott, in the end.  We had a good crowd of supporters this year, which is always appreciated, incuding Dr. David Gee and also Bob Parker, who is making good progress  after ankle surgery.  The course was very well marked and marshalled this year, so thanks go to the Ground Staff and all the boys and girls who stood in the cold to wave us in the right direction.  

The Annual photo of Huntsmen has a total of seven this year, with Will Painter (1971), Rory Fraser (2013-14), Peter Birch (70-71), Oli Mott (2002-03), Adam Booth (1999-2000), Olly Laws (97-98), Tim Minns (78-79), who all ran.  Can we get more in the photo next year ?  After the run, everyone were invited to The Hunt Gym for Tea, savoury wraps and cake, amongst the growing display of everything “Hunt”, before Oli Mott got his Cup and Rory Fraser took the team trophy for The RSSH.  

Then it was off to The Hardy Room in Kingsland House for the AGM & Committee Meeting.  At 7.30pm nineteen  persons assembled for the Annual Dinner, in The Peterson Room, including our guests, The Huntsman and the new Junior Whip, Sean Sawyer (PH).  By 11pm, we had signed the attendance book and made kind comments before departing for home, after another enjoyable day amongst The Old Salopian Hunt.  We’ll do it all again next year, probably on Saturday 6th December, 2014, so make a note and come along.

Peter Birch, Chairman of The OSH 


Race stats can be found here.

Photos can be found here.

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The OSH Chairman's View of the OSH v RSSH Race