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Thames Hare & Hounds Annual Alumni Race

Shrewsbury School crest

Thames Hare & Hounds Annual Alumni Race
Old Salopians

The Thames Hare & Hounds Annual Alumni Race, in Wimbledon,  Saturday 14th December, 2013.

Travelling to South London by car on a pleasant Saturday morning gave me time to think about that little bit of apprehension that I felt before lining up with so many athletes on the start line of The Annual Alumni Race, so expertly organised by The Thames Hare & Hounds Running Club.  There was a record number of starters this year, with more schools’ Alumni Teams present, represented by all age groups.  By 2.30pm, I was checking in the team for our photo before the “throw-off”.  First timer, Ross Williams arrived to join myself and Simon Pickles again, who also swelled our numbers by bringing his young 13 year old Son, Sam, for the second year and also his older Son, Matt, running and competing as guests.  The mass start across the Richard Evans Memorial Playing Fields at Roehampton Vale, was better going this year, without the previous year’s water logged surface.  A good pace was set up, going up through the woods, with Ross and Simon taking forward positions, while I tried to pace myself and not over-exert my energy too early.  This varied course of up & down, hard & soft ground with twists & turns and a little mud thrown in, needs reserves for the last mile, because this is where you emerge from the wooded path for the last time, onto the flat playing fields.  With the finish in sight, the “run-in” around the games of rugby is rewarded with a cheer from the gathering of spectators and finishers.  So after photographic proof of our exertion is taken, it’s time for a shower and then mugs of tea and homemade sandwiches and cakes in the clubhouse while waiting for results.  

There were 161 finishers, with 21 Schools’ Alumni present.   A  Mr. Simon Wurr of Warwick won the race in 26 minutes, but our very own Ross Williams (O. ’89-’94) came in 74th (35:17) and then Simon Pickles (M. ’71-’76) was 122nd (40:35), Peter Birch (Db. 66-71) was 130th (41:33).  Simon’s Boys then followed, with Sam 139th (42:22) and Matt 140th (42:23).  There were four categories for teams.  In the “Open”, Shrewsbury was 18th out of 21.  In the 40+ age group, we were 14th out of 17.  In the 50+ group we came 7th out of 12, and in the 60+ group, we were 6th out of 12.  Full results are to be found on The Thames Hare & Hounds website.

With the dusk descended, we left, tired but proud that we had represented The Hunt once again at this friendly and enjoyable cross-country event. It would be great to get three more entrants next year, which would really make a big difference to our results.

Peter Birch. 


Photos can be found here.

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Thames Hare & Hounds Annual Alumni Race