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Annual Run of the OSH v the RSSH

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Annual Run of the OSH v the RSSH
Old Salopians

The Old Salopian Hunt have enjoyed running with The RSSH for most years since 1953.

The OSH was created by thee Salopians, Ian Fraser, Nigel Miller and Adrian Struvé, the Master-in-Charge of The Hunt at that time. This friendly competition, held at the end of each Michaelmas Term, has become part of what we refer to as “OSH Day”, which was recently held again on Saturday 30th November, 2019.

First, we meet and greet, before taking photos. This time, there were 2 Huntswomen and 6 Huntsmen in The Captain’s picture, showing, from left, this season’s Huntswoman, Lillian Wilcox (EDH.), Alex Mott (Rb. 2003-08), Oli Mott (Rb. 98-03), Ed Mallett (S. 08-13), Liv Papioannou (EDH. 14-16), this season’s Huntsman, Sam Western (S.), Will Painter (R. 67-71), Peter Birch (Db. 66-71). Then it was time to line up, beneath Mr. Darwin’s Lizard, a group of six winners of The Tucks Run, being James Franklin (PH. 02-07), Francesca Harris (EDH.) – 4 times !, Oli Mott, Ed Mallett, Liv Papaioannou, and Sam Western – 2 times.

By 2.30 pm on this bright afternoon, The Hunt had mustered 24 Boys and 3 Girls to stand on the Start Line, alongside 12 Men and 3 Ladies of The OSH, with two Staff members running independently. The course is similar to Paperchases, including a reasonably refreshing crossing of The Rad Brook, which was not too deep after recent flooding and grassy parts were fairly damp, but tracks were firm. This year there was a return to the repaired Ridgemount Drive and near the top was a surprise scramble up behind the Cricket School building, which added an extra test for some ! Counting the first six of each team, there was some concentrated effort from The Hunt to make up the points. The Huntsman, Sam Western, chased Ed Mallett home, just 30 seconds behind. Sam’s top team were on form, even though our secret weapons, Peter Middleton (4th place) and Mattie Thevathasan (PH. 14-19), (10th) tried to interrupt the scoring Hunt runners. Tom Hughes (Ch. 14-19) (18th), Liv P. (22nd) and James Franklin (23rd), made up our score of 78, but after three years of OSH Team success, we had to concede to The Hunt’s superior talent, scoring the winning 31 points. There was great running from the supporting competitors : James Adney (Rb. 91-96) (25th), Will Manley (PH. 14-19) (28th), James Humpish (SH. 08-13) (29th), Julian Smout (Rb. 84-88) (35th), Suzy Watts (MSH. 14-16) (37th), Passy Goddard (G. 14-16) (38th) and our esteemed trio of “whipper-ins”, Richard Hudson (M. 67-72) (41st), Cliff Simpkin (ex-Staff) (42nd) and Anthony Hickson (I. 48-53) (43rd). Thanks are due to Ian Haworth (Master-in-Charge of The RSSH) and all helpers, who stood out in the cold air for us and also the Groundsmen, who always do a great job of marking the course.

As the light of the day dipped away to the west beyond the lower common, we followed to the Hunt Gym, in the Stott Pavilion, where a good spread of tea and afternoon treats took our attention, as we enjoyed chatting with our young hosts and many friends. Before long, the results were produced and presentations were made. The Will Ramsbotham Trophy was awarded to Ed Mallet and The Peter Middleton Cup went to Chessie Harris, as first Girl, then Sam Western came up to hold The David Loake Trophy for The Hunt as Winning Team.

By 4.30pm, 14 Committee Members were assembled in The Hardy Room of Kingsland House, to carry out the Annual General Meeting and Committee Meeting, where we were pleased to have the company of The Huntsman, Sam and The Huntswoman, Lil, to witness and participate in proceedings, which included the elections, where Liv became our new Honorary Secretary of The OSH Committee.

Later, at 7.30pm, Members and friends started arriving for The Annual Dinner. There were 20 Diners that sat down at 8.00 pm, in The Peterson Room, for an excellent meal. Not only were The Huntsman & Huntswoman amongst us, but also all of The Whips, Tom Jackson (R.) Paddy Barlow (R.) and Anna Cowan (MSH.), making welcome addition and diversity of age groups as well. The 2019 OSH Day had been enjoyed by all that were brought back together at School for another meeting of friends, new and old. We will, of course, do it all again next Michaelmas.

For complete Results of The Run, please click here.

Do go to The OSH facebook page to see all of the photographs, as well as some here below.

Peter Birch. OSH Chairman.

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Annual Run of the OSH v the RSSH