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ShrewsMUN News
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An update on ShrewsMUN from Rhys W.

On occasion, I think that MUN is a hidden gem of sorts at Shrewsbury. If you were to ask the Salopian population what came to mind upon hearing the words ‘MUN Conference’, I’m not sure the answer would be wholly positive nor what we would like to push at our conference. However, as any seasoned Salopian schoolmaster understands, the weekly MUN meetings that are held in the Main School Building, religiously at 5:45 sharp, are one of the most intriguing gatherings that take place on any regular week at Shrewsbury. And, what I find particularly charming about this afternoon club is that there is no shortage of personality; in fact, Mr Peach and I sometimes struggle to contain it. Yet, it appears a fitting tribute to the flourishing cohort of character on show amongst my Salopian brethren.

I also feel a sense of pride that Shrewsbury has very much led the way for the MUN circuit around the country, having participated in conferences for over 28 years. Wherever we go, whether it be Paris, Manchester or London, the delegates and advisors alike all recognise the Salopian fleur-de-lys and have known Mr Peach for what appears to be a lifetime. Then again, that’s testament to his warm and encouraging character and what suits him so well to the role of Master of MUN, with enthusiasm for debate, diplomacy and personal development that is undeniably infectious. It was also Mr Peach who played such an important role in creating ShrewsMUN 5 years ago, alongside Ed Plaut (S), James Whittaker (Rt) and Max Morris (S).

Now, despite the current circumstances, the Executive Team and I felt it would be unacceptable for us to have decided not to hold a conference. True, it would have made our lives much easier, but looking back we couldn’t be happier with the choice that we made all those months ago. We are well on our way to achieving our target of 200 delegates, with applications coming thick and fast from schools around the world, and various videos in the works to be released on the day of the conference (7th February). To add to this, our weekly meetings have never been both stronger and so well attended, enjoying rich and varied topics every week with an impressive range of core attendees from each year group, thus securing the future of ShrewsMUN for the years to come.

Whilst the conference is very much now honing into view, there is unquestionably still a lot of work and preparation to come. But, once ShrewsMUN has come to a close, I hope to be able to write a report of events to share with the Salopian community. In the meantime, if you have any questions about the conference or indeed would like to get in touch with any of us, please don’t hesitate to do so.

Our contact details can be found on the ShrewsMUN website: SHREWSMUN V – 7th February 2021.

Floreat Salopia!

Rhys W (Secretary General of ShrewsMUN V)

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