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Volunteering Initiative to Boost Community Spirit

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Volunteering Initiative to Boost Community Spirit

They say a small act of kindness goes a long way, so we are asking all our Salopians to get involved in our Volunteering@Home initiative.

During this remote learning period, Shrewsbury pupils are encouraged to do something for the benefit of others. Whether that be baking a cake for someone in the community, phoning a lonely neighbour or completing helpful tasks for someone vulnerable, there is something that everyone can get involved in.

This year has been difficult and it’s important to not let kindness slip, and experience shows that completing a good deed has a positive impact for everyone involved.

We are encouraging all pupils to come up with a volunteering idea; it can be as large or as small as they like, but around an hour a week is suggested. If pupils are stuck for ideas, we recommend they ask tutors, teachers or parents for any suitable ideas so that we can get as many pupils involved.

Some Volunteering at Home could include:

  • Making regular ‘keep in touch’ phone calls with someone who is lonely or isolating.
  • Start fundraising for charity – donate some pocket money or take on a charity challenge you can do from home.
  • Walk a neighbour’s dog.
  • Litter picks around your local area.

As well as counting towards the DofE Bronze award, volunteering is a great accolade to add to any future CV’s. The Volunteering@Home initiative also coincides with the Salopian virtue of encouraging kindness and service to others.

If they haven’t already signed up, pupils are asked to submit their ideas to [email protected]

Any other enquires should go to Mr Nick David on [email protected]

  • Poppy G (4th MSH) is writing letters to care home residents.
  • Robert M (3rd S) has decided to bake his own bread for a neighbour.
  • Clem G (3rd Ph) is one of many collecting litter from our streets and hedges.
  • Max H and Steven J also collecting rubbish (3rd Sh – no surprise!).
  • Louis M (3rd Ch) has made a super video which he intends to send to care homes offering his services as a letter writer, pen friend or just a friendly voice on the end of a phone. Those seeing the video will surely be won over by Fonzi, the family pet.

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Volunteering Initiative to Boost Community Spirit