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Rain almost stops play on OS Match Weekend.

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Rain almost stops play on OS Match Weekend.
Old Salopians General

Torrential rain all day on Friday affected the condition of several of the School pitches. Unfortunately, a very difficult decision had to made late in the afternoon to cancel some of the planned fixtures between the OSFC and the School teams.

The First Team Pitch was however playable, thanks to the latest technology and skill of the grounds team and the First XI took on the First OSFC XI on Saturday afternoon with spectators huddling under dripping umbrellas as the biblical showers continued.

It was a close fought match and the 5-0 score line did not truly reflect the fight put up by the OSFC against the First Team whose relative youth and experience playing together won out in the end.

The sun broke though on Sunday in time for the Alex Wilson Memorial Match. An XI including six Alex Wilson Scholars organised by Alex’s older brother Henry took on a team of Old Salopians including Mr Will Hughes and Mr Adam Morris (both OS and current staff members) and some of last year’s ESFA finalists. Another close match ended 3-1 to the Alex Wilson XI. Afterwards there was tea and sandwiches at the Top of the Shop. Thanks very much to everyone who travelled up for these events and battled the elements to get the matches played.



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Rain almost stops play on OS Match Weekend.