Old Salopians gather at the annual City Drinks in London

More than 250 Old Salopians gathered at the Cavalry and Guards Club in Piccadilly for the annual City Drinks party.
The event is the biggest in the Salopian Club social calendar. It was great to see so many Young Old Salopians mixing with some of the more seasoned members of the Club! Those who left in 1962 gave the 2022 leavers a run for their money and the party was still going strong as last orders approached.
The Headmaster Leo Winkley gave a speech updating the Old Salopians on the latest news and developments at Shrewsbury. We were also joined by some alumni of Shrewsbury International School Bangkok who we hope to work more closely with in the future.
The drinks party is preceded by the Annual General Meeting. This is an excellent opportunity for Old Salopians to hear a summary of the Club’s annual activities and accounts and have a say about its future direction, share ideas for events and new societies and discuss Club business with Old Salopians of every vintage. Everyone who is a member is always very welcome.
Please view the gallery below for some lovely pictures of a wonderful event.