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Success for Salopians with Oxbridge offers

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Success for Salopians with Oxbridge offers
Academic News

Following on from congratulating our seven Oxford offer holders, we are delighted to celebrate success of a light-blue variety, with four pupils and one Old Salopian receiving offers from Cambridge earlier this week.  

The Cambridge admissions process is one of the most demanding of all UK universities, with a range of pre-interview or at-interview exams followed by a series of interviews, which, to add a bit of extra challenge, remained online this year. It’s fair to say that Lewis G (Rt), Hannah H (EDH), Ranulf P (Ch), Yuhan W (MSH) and Old Salopian Andrew K (I, 2021) were thoroughly tested, but have navigated the process superbly.  

Salopians received the following offers from Cambridge: 

  • Lewis G (Rt) - Geography 
  • Hannah H (EDH) - Natural Sciences (Physical) 
  • Ranulf P (Ch) - Modern and Medieval Languages (French/German) 
  • Yuhan W (MSH) - Natural Sciences (Physical) 
  • Andrew K (I, 2021) - Mathematics 

L-R: Hannah, Ranulf and Lewis with Headmaster Leo Winkley

The Cambridge offers follow on from a successful week where a further seven pupils received offers to study at Oxford. They are: 

  • Eustacia F (M) - English at Merton College  
  • Sakunori N (O) - Mathematics at Trinity College  
  • Dylan T (PH) - Biology at Christ Church College  
  • George C (Rb) - Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) at Pembroke College  
  • Martha S (M) - History and Modern Language at Pembroke College 
  • Sam F (SH, 2021) - PPE at Jesus College  
  • Milton T (SH, 2021) Philosophy and Modern Language at Balliol College   

L-R: Sakunori, Martha, George, Eustacia and Dylan. 

Headmaster Leo Winkley said: “The application process for places to study at the world’s top universities, such as Oxford and Cambridge, has never been more competitive.  We are delighted for our successful candidates across a diverse array of subject matters.   

“As well as guiding our own pupils, we were pleased that several pupils from partner State Schools we have been working closely with were successful too.” 

Deputy Head (Academic) Dr Richard Kowenicki, added: “I’m thrilled that the hard work of our Upper Sixth pupils is being acknowledged with some excellent offers from world-class universities across the country. Speaking to our 12 Oxford and Cambridge offer holders in the last week, I have been struck by how much they value what’s on offer in the Shrewsbury classroom, where intellectual curiosity is encouraged and nurtured by both teachers and pupils. 

“Huge congratulations and good luck to all as we start to think about the run up to public exams this summer.” 

When offering advice to aspiring Salopian Oxford and Cambridge applicants they were clear that a love of learning and being able to demonstrate a passion for their chosen subject is essential. They now look forward to working towards the grades they will need to take up their excellent offers. 

The nationwide deadline for UCAS applications passed on 26 January and with all Salopian forms now submitted we look forward to celebrating the offers that will trickle in from a range of the UK’s top universities in the coming months. Good luck to all of our Upper Sixth.  

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Success for Salopians with Oxbridge offers