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The 70th Alumni Race held on Saturday 17th September 2022 at Roehampton

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The 70th Alumni Race held on Saturday 17th September 2022 at Roehampton
Old Salopians

The date of the 70th Alumni Race was moved from the usual December slot to Saturday 17th September 2022.

The new date provided warm early autumn sunshine in Roehampton Vale, where the Thames Hare & Hounds Club organised this traditional 5 Mile Cross Country race, run over the southwestern end of Wimbledon Common, which provides a varied course for all runners, which includes all abilities and ages (from 18 to 80+!).

It was pleasing to see a list of 12 registered entrants that included eight first-timers and one Huntswoman and two Huntsmen, accompanied by a couple of Whips. This year, despite the sudden death of H.M. The Queen, in the previous week, the OSH Team were all committed to attending and, after a minute’s silence at the start-line, the 150 competitors left the front of The Richardson Evans Memorial Playing Fields Pavilion at 3 pm to head out into the undergrowth of The Common, with encouraging shouts from the supporters of the Shrewsbury Team, being Nick Jenkins, The Director of The Salopian Club, Owen Mock (R 2013-18 & Senior Whip) and me, and also Ed Mallett (S 08-13 & Huntsman), who had intercepted The Team at the cross-over point, which is just over halfway into the course, and thankfully, also took some extra photos.

After about 25 minutes, we could make out in the distance, across the far side of the vast playing fields, that the leaders of the pack had emerged from the woods and Hugo Donovan of Bradfield came into the finishing funnel in a time of 26:00.91. Fraser Sproul, recent leaver of Sedbergh, who had been a favourite to win, came in 7th, only six seconds in front of our very own Matte Thevathasan (PH 14-19) and placed 6th in the Senior Men’s category, in a time of 29:31.35, being the first counter of 4 for the Open Race category. He was followed by Charlie Ockleston (O 14-19 & Huntsman) at 13th place in 30:12.58 (placed 11th in SM) and then Liv Papaioannou (EDH 14-16 & Huntswoman) in 32:58.44 at 38th, who was 1st in the Ladies category for a second year. Then James Humpish (SH 08-13 & 2ndVIII Captain) came in just behind Liv, at 33:02.98 (17th in SM) and in the process lopped 4 minutes off his previous years’ time. These four scored 96 points, to keep Shrewsbury on the podium at 3rd place in the Open Race, behind Rochester (80) and Sedbergh (71). Our Hon. Sec. Liv won the Old Coventrian Cup and nearly got the Old Johnian Cup too, for the Ladies Team category. If just one more girl had been in our team (28 points), we would have avoided penalty points and then beaten Denstone (26 points).

There were excellent performances from the whole team, with Louis Nares (I 15-20) coming in at 44th in 33:31.82 (placed 21st in SM), who was always a good runner in The Hunt, but is now famous for his rowing ability. Then, at 46th, was Tom Jackson (R 15-20), in 33:43.16 (placed 22nd in SM), who progressed from Junior Whip to Senior Whip back in The Hunt. At 52nd position, was Cam Anwyl (S 13-18) finishing in 34:13.50 (placed 23rd in SM) and then, The Huntsman of 2020, Sam Western (S 15-20) arrived in 59th position, in 35:23.68 (placed 24th in SM). Returning to Roehampton after 5 years was Rupert Lougee (SH 88-93), who finished in 91st place and then Henry Newbould (Ch 11-16 & Junior Whip) was 95th. Andy Moray Smith (I 81-86) was listed as 12th in the V50 category and Michael Johnson (S 55-60) was 1st in the V80 category.

There were 187 competitors entered into this race and there were 147 finishers, belonging to 32 Alumni Teams ( + 2 guests). Even though there was a drop in numbers from 2021, everyone seemed pleased with the new date, albeit some missed the mud of a December Meet!

After a cuppa, David Jenkins, organiser of this TH&H event, announced the provisional results, but we do have to wait for Open Track data systems to confirm results online at  .

Some of our team then had to leave for home, but the rest of us went up to The Kings Head Pub, in Roehampton High Street, which, when I was a lad, used to be the headquarters of TH&H Running Club and, on our arrival at about 4.30pm, The Salopian Club Director, Nick, kindly instructed the bar staff to provide the Team with their drinks. Then at 6pm, Michael Johnson, who was celebrating his 80th Birthday ( in March), very generously invited not only his TH&H friends but also The OSH members & friends to join him for drinks and food …. An excellent meaty burger, if I say so. Having had a superb day amongst friends, it was time to disperse, with happy memories and pledges to return next year.

Do have a look at the full photo album posted on The OSH Facebook page, which can be accessed through the link on our OSH website page.


Peter Birch. OSH Chairman. (Dayboys Hall 1966-71 & Huntsman)

Finishing Order

Trophy Results

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