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Old Salopian Welsh Guards mount vigil for Her Majesty The Queen

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Old Salopian Welsh Guards mount vigil for Her Majesty The Queen
Old Salopians

Old Salopians and serving Welsh Guards were given the great honour of standing guard and mounting vigil for Her Majesty The Queen's coffin in Westminster Hall. 

Lieutenant R M J Cross 1WG (S 2008-2013) reflects on assisting with mounting vigil:

As news of Her Majesty The Queen’s passing spread around the world, plans were being set in motion for the preparation of Her Majesty’s State funeral. Operation London Bridge is the code name used for the death of the Monarch and as such, all subsequent plans were followed in accordance with Op BRIDGE. A key element of this plan involved officers from the seven Household Division regiments assisting with guarding the coffin during Her Majesty’s Lying-in-State in Westminster Hall.

Lieutenant Rob Cross 1WG

As a serving officer in the Welsh Guards alongside Major Tom Evans (Ch 2006-2008), it was a great privilege to both be asked to assist with mounting vigil. It was crucial, therefore, that our preparation and turn-out was of the highest standard. Thorough rehearsals were conducted around the country, and a replica of the catafalque was constructed established in Hyde Park Barracks to assist oncoming Guards with the learning of drill movements.

Major Tom Evans

Each regiment would cover a six-hour period at any one time, with the seven regiments working in rotation. Within that six-hour period, an officer could be expected to mount five 20-minute rotations. An officer would stand at each corner of the catafalque, providing the inner cordon with heads bowed and swords inverted as a sign of respect to Her Majesty. The outer guard consisted of Her Majesty’s Bodyguard of the Honourable Corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms, The Queen’s Bodyguard of the Yeomen of the Guard and The Royal Company of Archers. Our primary role was one of protection and ensuring that no harm befell the coffin during the Lying-in-State.

It was a great honour to mount vigil on Saturday 17th September and the morning of Monday 19th, as we handed over to the Grenadier Guards ahead of Her Majesty’s procession to Westminster Abbey. It was also a privilege for the Welsh Guards to share the catafalque with both the Queen’s children and grandchildren as they paid their respects.

Lieutenant Rob Cross 1WG on the catafalque

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Old Salopian Welsh Guards mount vigil for Her Majesty The Queen