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Salopian selected to play in the ISFA U18 Girls’ National Squad

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Salopian selected to play in the ISFA U18 Girls’ National Squad

Rosie M (EDH, LVI) has been selected to play in the ISFA national squad after attending the trials in London.

Her football career began at the age of 14, when Rosie started to join clubs such as Saha U16s, Worthern U16s and Welshpool Ladies.  

After joining TNS Ladies and training with their club, Rosie found out that other members of her team were selected for ISFA, so decided to apply for trials herself.  

Rosie said: “I went to the trials all the way in London for ISFA where there were about 50 girls there. I decided to play centre mid in my second match, I pushed up and quickly closed everyone down. Usually on the pitch I’m very quiet, however I felt comfortable playing with the other girls and I realised that I really wanted this opportunity, so I was communicating with the other players and in each match I kept on improving. 

“After the trial I was buzzing because I just loved it so much and I felt like I had a chance of getting in. When my mum told me that I had got in I was so surprised, I just couldn’t believe it.  

“I am extremely excited for the first camp in Cambridge. I think playing for the ISFA will push me to my limits as the standard of football is so high and the coaches will be incredible. I’m most excited for the international matches as it will show me the different talents of girl footballers across the world and hopefully, I can learn new things which I can take with me.  

“Shrewsbury has been very supportive of my football, and I am very proud to represent the school.   

“My goal for this season is to improve my football in my school team so I can be a more adapted player and good in all situations. I can’t wait for the girls’ football next term at Shrewsbury.”  

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Salopian selected to play in the ISFA U18 Girls’ National Squad