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OS Hunt

Shrewsbury School crest

OS Hunt
Old Salopians

 A clean sweep of trophies ....

Against an RSSH team weakened by absence and injury, the Old Salopian Hunt stormed to a clean sweep of trophies on Saturday 26th November. Inspired by the Mallett brothers, Ed (S 09-14) and George (S 08-13), who powered in first and second respectively, the OSH won the David Loake team trophy and the William Ramsbotham winner’s trophy (Ed Mallett), and the Peter Middleton trophy for the first female runner home was once again won by Liv Papaioannou  (EDH 14-16). After tea where a presentation of a Hunt whip was made to Ian Haworth, until recently Master i/c RSSH, the OSH held its AGM and then its annual dinner, always a festive occasion, for past and present runners of the OSH as well as guests from the RSSH. Our thanks as ever go to Peter Birch (DB 66-71), OSH Chairman, and to Frank Tickner, Master i/c RSSH, for masterminding an excellent day.


Nick Jenkins


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