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Shrewsbury School crest

Sabrina Club lunch for 1962 -73 crews

Shrewsbury School crest

Sabrina Club lunch for 1962 -73 crews
Old Salopians

RSSBC crew members from 1962-73 gathered at School for a reunion on May 7th.

Around 45 rowers travelled from as far afield as Dorset and Rutland to meet up on one of the first sunny days of the year. There were drinks on the lawn before an excellent lunch in the Peterson Room courtesy of the School careering team from Holroyd Howe. After lunch and a rousing chorus of the School Song members walked down to the river to support the school crews taking part in the Shrewsbury Regatta. Many also took the opportunity to find their names and photos in the historical display which decorates the walls of the Bowring Room in the Boat House.

Many thanks to Charles Wright, President of the Sabrina Club and the committee for organising a very enjoyable day.

View photos from the day in the gallery below:

Flickr album: Sabrina Lunch 2023 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default - Transparent


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