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Glorious sunny evening for the Salopian Club Summer Party

Shrewsbury School crest

Glorious sunny evening for the Salopian Club Summer Party
Old Salopians

The Young Old Salopians were out in force on a perfect summer’s evening at Shepherds Bush Cricket Club. A record attendance of around 100 people gathered for a long, hot evening of cricket, cold drinks and barbecue food.

An unofficial link has been established between the cricket club and the Salopian Club as a number of OS cricketers play in the team and help organise events. Over the past few years the event has been affected by both Covid and train strikes but this year all things conspired for the perfect summer party evening. Year groups from 2022 to the latter part of the 1960s were represented and it was great to see some who had travelled from Shrewsbury especially for the event (not just the Director)

There is a Young OS Committee dedicated to keeping in touch with those who have left School in recent years. They organise events and meet ups through the year. If you are interested in getting involved contact the Chair Becky Home [email protected] or the office at [email protected].

View more images from the Summer Party in the gallery below.

Flickr album: Salopian Club Summer Party 2023 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default - Transparent


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