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J14 rowers' abilities progress in their first term on the river

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J14 rowers' abilities progress in their first term on the river

We have had over 60 J14 rowing this term, some starting from some knowledge but many were total beginners.

We spent up until half term switching between small boats on Bomere learning what happens if you catch a crab or let go of the oars, in addition to learning about how to handle a small boat with a partner.

On the river we worked for the first part of term in Octos with a superb group of coxes (take a bow Archie, Josh, Minnie, Tyger and Digby amongst the stalwarts with some occasional guest coxes!). The season progressed by moving from Bomere and small boats into a mix of quads and Octos in prep for the Kings fixture, this time on their home water.

We took 10 crews down to race, 2 Octos and 8 quads, all in mixed boats over 50 rowers and coxes in total. We negotiated strange kit, vertiginous steps to the water and a pontoon that needed a boat from Hogwarts to be able to sit comfortably on the pontoon. The third form rowed competitively and learnt the best way about what to do (and not to do!) in race situations.

We had 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th in the Quads plus other high finishes and 1st and 2nd in the Octos too. That we finished with a 137 points each draw against Kings does great credit to crews and coxes alike and was a fantastic way to draw a very, very busy J14 programme to a close. That we competed so well in our first term against a more experienced rowers at KSW speaks volumes for the dedication of the coaches and the focus of the J14 rowers!

I much hope the J14 have enjoyed the experience and that many will return next term to take up the challenge of J15 rowing and regular racing and training. I couldn’t not have managed with the core coaches at the river, please step forward and take a bow Mr Manser, Mr Fox, Dr Currie-Jordan, Mr Reynolds, Ms Pearson and Mr Whitehead, ably supported at Bomere before the additional coaches of Dr Oakley, Mr Hudson and Mr Nicholas, thanks so much for rallying to the call!

Ian Payne 

Rowing Coach 

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J14 rowers' abilities progress in their first term on the river