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Accomplished organists perform recital in School Chapel

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Accomplished organists perform recital in School Chapel

Four talented Salopians performed an Organ Recital in Shrewsbury School Chapel last week.  

Why organ recitals characteristically attract only small audiences has always been a mystery to me. I started going to them when I was at university – something about losing yourself in the power, majesty and mystery of the King of Instruments. I remember my father-in-law, the late organ builder Noel Mander, taking me round St Paul’s Cathedral organ which he had rebuilt in the late 1970s. Bits of this huge instrument are sited all round this vast cathedral, and it is wonderful that Arthur H-B (I, UVI), shortly leaving Shrewsbury to take up a position as Organ Scholar at Sherborne Abbey and School was able to play it at the evensong at St Paul’s last term. 

Arthur’s assured playing was once again evident as he brought last week’s glorious organ recital to a close in the Chapel, all the music provided by the School’s four very accomplished organists, with their superb teacher, Callum Alger, not needing to supply his own services as a makeweight. Fourth Former Austin W (O, IV) started the recital off in style, with Bach’s short Prelude in F major followed by an invigorating Cornet Voluntary by the immensely prolific Anon. 

He was followed by Lower Sixth former Luke W (SH) continuing the Bach theme with his Prelude and Fugue in C major with followed the attractive Vierne Berceuse. Then it was the turn of Kanama F (MSH, LVI) with a triptych of Lang, Parry and Leighton, three contrasting pieces played with clarity and poise. Arthur provided the climax of the recital, treating us to the five pieces used for his organ scholarship audition, amply demonstrating why he got the job, sending the appreciative audience on their cheerful way with the showy fireworks of Leon Boellmann’s Introduction and Menuet Gothique. 

Richard Hudson 

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Accomplished organists perform recital in School Chapel