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Jazz in the Barnes delivers a night of spectacular music

Shrewsbury School crest

Jazz in the Barnes delivers a night of spectacular music

There aren't many better ways to herald the advent of Valentine's Day. On the night before half term started, the Barnes Theatre was alive with the sounds of Jazz.

At times it was bustling and bursting with energy and sometimes smooth and sophisticated. There were two big bands on show as well as three small combos and oodles of singers.

Huge creativity and virtuosity was on display in the improvisations and all in support of the wonderful Food Bank Charity. Yes, there were love songs, too!

You can view images of the evening below:

Flickr album: Jazz in the Barnes 2025 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default - Transparent

Mike Skipper

Head of Academic Music 

You can watch the concert here:


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Jazz in the Barnes delivers a night of spectacular music