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Pupils at Restart Africa are celebrating educational achievements

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Pupils at Restart Africa are celebrating educational achievements

This week we had a visit to school from Mary Coulson, the Founder of Restart Africa, and we have some great news to share about the educational achievements of the children.  

As you will be aware, Shrewsbury School has chosen Restart as its main international charity partner and we have been raising funds to send all the primary-age children to better schools in Gilgil.  

We are delighted to hear that for the first time in the history of Restart, not only did all the children pass their key stage certificate but they have all been accepted to good secondary state schools to continue their learning. 

The secondary school children are thriving now that they have secured a solid primary start and there are now unprecedented numbers of school leavers moving on to University and Higher Education courses. Courses include Medicine, Criminology, Actuarial Science, Business and Music Education.  

We would like to thank all our pupils and parents for their continued support and we look forward to sharing more news in due course. 

Jules Winkley

UK Trustee of Restart Africa 

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Pupils at Restart Africa are celebrating educational achievements