Volunteering pupils host successful charity fundraising events

Two pupils who are part of Shrewsbury’s Volunteering group have organised individual events to raise money for charity.
Grace S (G, UVI) and Cordelia H (MSH, LVI) organised events based around Chinese New Year and a Pre-Loved Clothing sale respectively, both taking time out of their schedules to host the fundraising opportunities.
Grace said: “During the Chinese New Year celebrations, I organised a charity fundraising event to raise money for Severn Hospice in Shrewsbury. The event spanned three days, with two held in the school library and one in a local supermarket.
“At school, we sold handcrafted ‘Fu’ Spring couplets, each featuring unique, beautiful snake-themed designs. We also hosted a lucky draw, where participants could win a red envelope adorned with snake patterns. Inside the envelopes were traditional Chinese poetry blessings paired with English translations, symbolising good fortune, health, and happiness.
“I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the teachers and students who supported us, especially the teachers who helped promote the event by putting up posters and encouraging participation. Special thanks go to Ellie A (QEH, LVI), Harry F (SH, LVI), and Michael L (SH, UVI) for their outstanding contributions as volunteers. Their enthusiasm and commitment played a vital role in making this event a success, and their openness and willingness to learn about a different culture had a significant impact.
“In total, we raised £323 for Severn Hospice. Thank you once again to everyone who participated and supported us. This was not only a successful charity effort but also a wonderful opportunity for cultural exchange.”
Cordelia added: “On March 2nd, Shrewsbury School had their first Pre-Loved Clothing Sale in aid of Restart Africa.
“This was a project that I had been working on alongside Mrs Pritchard since September. The Idea was originally founded within my work in the Eco Committee leadership team. Large cardboard boxes were delivered to each house in order for students to donate any clothing they no longer use, and, on the day, these were collected, and with great help from of 12 volunteers, we set up the sale. The sale then set off at 12pm after chapel and finished at 4pm.
“In total we raised over £500 for Restart Africa which is enough to send two students to school for a year. We were fortunate enough to have a very large volume of clothes donated, moreover the recycling of these clothes was a fundamental benefit. Each year 92 million tonnes of discarded garments gets sent to landfill, a terrifying number. It is essential to reduce this volume and therefore the strain on our planet.
“Finally I would like to say a huge thank you to both the volunteers and Mrs Pritchard, without whom none of this would be possible.”
Naomi Pritchard, Head of Charities and Volunteering, said: “I'm delighted to see such great initiative, leadership and organisation being demonstrated by these students. They have both been highly pro-active and dedicated to their respective fundraising causes, giving up significant amounts of their own time to achieve their goals.
“A huge well done to both Grace and Cordelia on their individual achievements, their fundraising totals and being strong role models to others.”