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Fantastic Field Day - November 2020

Shrewsbury School crest

Fantastic Field Day - November 2020

Field Days are a termly event here at Shrewsbury and this was a Field Day with a difference!

Normally we would be scattering far and wide across Shropshire and Wales, however, this term we have adapted to an entirely on-site event. The ingenuity and innovation of our staff coupled with our spacious site enabled us to provide a large range of group activities for all pupils.

Students playing tug of war on their field day

We set some specific aims for the day: to deliver the usual activities ‘as normal’, to provide experience and challenge, but also to create a moment of fun, variation and shared enjoyment.

Student with artwork on art field day

Our pupils, from Third Form to Lower Sixth Form, chose to undertake activities from twenty-five options, with a varying choice provided to different year groups. Our third formers learnt about first aid and took part in an energising multi-activity competition, while other year groups were able to have a go at mountain biking (yes on site!), bird ringing, climbing or attempting to make a coracle sufficient to carry them across our swimming pool.

We are producing a Field Day highlights film, which we hope will capture the breadth of activity and the essence of fun and enjoyment.

Student dressed as army on field day

It was so heartening to witness the excellent innovation from our staff and I believe we created a programme that was filled with sheer thrill and enjoyment, making the day a fantastic experience for pupils.

Student in helmet and harness on field day

What more would you expect from the best independent school in the country!

Nick David, Director of Activities

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Fantastic Field Day - November 2020