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CCF Cadets battle on despite the snow

Shrewsbury School crest

CCF Cadets battle on despite the snow

50 cadets from our Royal Marine and Army sections were the only group to enjoy a Field Day last week.

The cadets had already left the warmth of school for an overnight exercise at an Army base in Staffordshire, but continued into Field Day itself despite the snowy condition leading to all other activities being cancelled.

The cadets resilience was tested as they undertook an overnight exercise scenario involving dealing with first aid casualties, patrolling to establish ‘enemy’ positions and dealing with members of our RAF section posing as worried civilians.

All returned home safe yet tired from a challenging but different experience.

There are still 2 spaces left on our CCF Adventure Camp in North Wales that runs from 25th to 31st March. Contact for more information.

Lt Col Nick David

CCF Contingent Commander

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CCF Cadets battle on despite the snow