Successful weekend for CCF Cadets at Pringle Trophy

Before half term our CCF cadets competed in the prestigious Pringle Trophy.
The Pringle Trophy is a prestigious military skills competition held at the Royal Marine Commando Training Centre in Devon. Cadets are tested in a variety of scenarios ranging from first aid to drill, fieldcraft skills and and running over the same endurance course that RM soldiers endure, including the infamous ‘sheep dip.’
Sam U (S, UVI) captained the Shrewsbury team and devised an entirely pupil-led programme that started some months ago. Any pupils or staff around the school site early or late might have seen the team training and this self-motivated approach is a hallmark of our cadet’s passion and desire to win.
The competition is against all other schools with RM sections and is very closely fought. In the long history of the event only 2 teams have ever achieved more than 1000 points, with both those scores being gained during the weekend.
Shrewsbury narrowly missed out on 1st place but came home not only with the runner's up trophy, but awards in camouflage, concealment and contact drills. They are now even more determined to win next year and topple Kings Taunton from their winning slot.
CCF SSI Mrs Rothwell, who accompanied the group said: "Under Sam's excellent leadership and training, they excelled in every aspect of the competition. Their team spirt, cohesion and sense of duty shone throughout the event. Each member of the Pringle Squad is a brilliant walking advert for the school and they were a pleasure to be with."
LT Col. Nick David