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Old Salopian Hunt take on RSSH for the first time in 2 years

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Old Salopian Hunt take on RSSH for the first time in 2 years
Old Salopians Sports

It has been two years since we were able to invite members of the Old Salopian Hunt onto site to race against us.

It’s always a popular fixture in the RSSH diary, as we are able to welcome back some familiar faces from yesteryear, and the OSH tend to relish the chance to pit themselves against the current, more youthful crop! The RSSH won that day back in 2019, with our runners able to pack out seven of the top ten positions, though the individual winner went to Old Salopian Ed Mallett (S), Huntsman from 2012-13.

The RSSH were able to field a large team of over 25 runners in this year’s race, up against roughly fifteen OSH who had made the journey from all corners of the country, including Freddie Huxley-Fielding (Huntsman 2016-17) who, having come up that morning from Cornwall, had to race to the start line just in time!

A quick pace was set in the early phase of the race by Ed Mallett alongside his brother, George (Huntsman in 2011-12), with our own Kristian Tung (I, LVI) in hot pursuit. Mr Tickner and Mr Middleton, along with Oli Mott (Huntsman 2002-3) formed a strong pack a little further back, with current Huntsman Jonny Price (I, UVI) chasing them. Most of our runners were keeping one eye on the ESAA XC Cup final in Cornwall the following week, so were being relatively cautious – as per coach’s instructions – and were packing in well behind Liv Papaioannou (Huntswoman in 2015-16).

By the second half of the race, George was still within touching distance of Ed, but they had opened up a bit of a lead ahead of Kristian, himself a good margin ahead of the rest. The main pack of the RSSH had started to open up a bit and were pushing forward, keen to feel a bit of race rhythm as practice for next week.

As they rounded Alington Hall and onto Central for the finish, Ed once again took victory, this time in 19:00 (astonishingly quick for a 5.7km cross-country course), around eight seconds ahead of his brother to achieve a fine one-two. Kristian was third in 19:46, with Mr Tickner, Mr Middleton and Oli Mott taking the next three spots. First woman to finish was Liv Papaioannou in an excellent time of 22:01, taking 11th place overall. The OSH had the best of the spoils though, and beat us by 13 points.

Afterwards in the presentations we were able to thank Mr Middleton for his many years of fantastic service to the club, having resurrected its fortunes during his time as Master in Charge from 2008-16. He gave a very heartfelt speech which left barely a dry eye in Quod! We presented him with a traditional baton, painted with his name and in the colours of Rigg’s, where he was Housemaster from 2011-16.

It was a wonderful day, and we are so grateful to the many members of the OSH who gave up their weekends to travel such distances to be with us. We hope to take the trophy back off you again next year, so look out!

Ian Haworth

Master i/c RSSH

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Old Salopian Hunt take on RSSH for the first time in 2 years