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Great teamwork displayed at this year's National Enterprise Challenge

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Great teamwork displayed at this year's National Enterprise Challenge
Futures & Higher Education

On Monday 12th June the Fourth Form took part in the National Enterprise Challenge.  

Delivered by the Inspirational Learning Group, Shrewsbury School has taken part in this event every year since 2020, with previous challenges including the creation of a new energy bar, and design of a new EA sports game.  

This year had more of an environmental focus, with pupils, in groups of 5 or 6, asked to consider a product or service that could be utilised by NatWest (competition sponsors) that could be offered to their business customers to support them in being more energy efficient, reduce their carbon footprint or encourage them to use cleaner forms of energy. 

This certainly got the creative juices flowing, despite the extreme temperatures we enjoyed on Monday, with each of the twenty-six groups producing a variety of unique and quirky ideas. All the groups produced business plans, marketing campaigns and a promotional advert or podcast, and then were tasked with pitching their ideas to a mixture of teaching staff members and parents, who kindly gave up their time to support this activity. Four winners from the four different judging panels were declared to complete the day.  

Since the event, pupil feedback has been positive, with Yaroslav (R), reporting ‘it developed skills such as teamwork, leadership and communication, which are extremely important on a day-to-day basis’. Indeed, a quick survey following the challenge highlighted that creativity, presentation and communication skills were the three areas which had been most developed and demonstrated on the day, skills which are relevant for any of the varied careers that these pupils will progress onto in the future. 

Chris Wain

Head of Futures 


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Great teamwork displayed at this year's National Enterprise Challenge