A busy week of Careers activities for Sixth Formers

The start of term has proven to be a typically busy one for the Futures Department, with students in Sixth Form accessing a range of activities to support their post-school planning.
Our first event of the year took place on Thursday 7th September, where the entire Upper Sixth took part in a series of workshops ranging from a personal statement masterclass to a gap year ‘speed dating’ activity. We were incredibly grateful to our expert visitors, Victoria and Sarah, who delivered two brilliant back-to-back sessions on interview skills, and Andrew from Streetwise 365 who delivered an interactive session on gap year safety.
Into the evening, we were delighted to host a well-attended webinar on studying in North America, delivered by our Head of Higher Education Toby Percival, who was joined by Charlotte McKechnie, Director of Performance & Academics at A List Education, who talked through the SAT / ACT support programme students could access this term. For those who were unable to attend the webinar, you can view it here.
Into week two, we very much enjoyed the visit Dr Sophie Mu from UCL to present to over one hundred Sixth Formers on applying to a competitive university, whilst from a little further afield Nadia Syskova from the University of British Columbia chatted informally over lunch to students who were interested in Canadian Higher Education options. Additionally, all new Sixth Formers attended a ‘Futures Induction’ where they learnt more about the support available within the department and how to utilise web-based platforms such as Unifrog. Throughout the first fortnight, the team has conducted a significant number of one-to-one meetings, to discuss topics ranging from work placements, degree apprenticeships, university applications and studying abroad options.
The Futures Department is always very grateful for the support it enjoys from the parent body and further information will come out later this term about how to get involved if you are interested in supporting this important aspect of school delivery. This brochure provides further details for parents about the team and our work. In the meantime, we look forward to a jampacked week three.
Chris Wain
Head of Futures