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A chance to enjoy Shrewsbury School’s Summer Concert

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A chance to enjoy Shrewsbury School’s Summer Concert

Shrewsbury School hosted its Summer Concert on Friday, June 25th to a live audience.

The concert included performances from 11 different ensembles including the Chamber Choir, string quartets, a piano concerto, and much more.

Assistant Director of Music, Maria McKenzie, said: “It was fantastic to be able to host the Summer Concert to a live audience and being able to offer performances from 11 different ensembles.

After the year that we have had, the concert was testimony to the enthusiasm that has been shown by all of our students and teachers throughout the past 9 months. The quality of music-making was, as normal, exceptional and the variety of styles and genres was very diverse indeed.

Highlights include a superb performance of the Rachmaninov 3rd Piano Concerto by U6th Kanei N (Ch), alongside the beautiful choral timbres of the Chamber Choir lead by Benedict Wilson, culminating with the lively set given by the Jazz Band under the direction of Katy Landon.

All in all, a very enjoyable concert, well done to all that performed and I hope you appreciate watching it as much as the audience did on Friday!


Concert Programme



Friday 25th June 2021



Extra Performances Thursday 24th June 2021

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