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Salopian musician releases EP

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Salopian musician releases EP

A Salopian has written and recorded an EP which has recently been released to the public.

Ivo Winkley (Rb, V) and a friend have released the EP entitled Crane Fly under the band name Idlework.  

Ivo said: “I have been writing and recording this EP with my family friend and the vocalist of the duo, Daisy, since about March of this year. As we live far apart so a lot of the recording sessions were done whilst on FaceTime but luckily due to the lockdowns we became pretty efficient at working in this way.”

His interest in music started when he was younger and Ivo has credited the music facilities at Shrewsbury in helping with his progression.  

“I’ve enjoyed music from a young age - I think I was playing around on the piano when I was 3 years old - and I’ve always enjoyed writing songs too.

The music department has really helped me along with my music progression. I’ve really enjoyed the opportunity to do more composition in class and be part of the ensemble and big band too, it has been really good fun.

Ivo is set to go on to study Music at A Level and in the future hopes to continue with song writing or go into film music composition.

“I’m not sure whether I would have got as far as I have without the help of Shrewsbury – I think I would still be writing, but it’s been so helpful to have more facilities to help me progress and the facilities here are so good that I’ve been able to broaden my musical knowledge and abilities.

“It feels so good for the EP to finally be out after all this time, and the late night/early morning production sessions I had to do in my bedroom in order to finish it before the pressure of GCSEs became too much has all been worth it! It’s always great seeing the album artwork on stores and CD’s once the process is over, especially with this release as I drew the artwork.”

Crane Fly is available on all major streaming platforms.

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Salopian musician releases EP