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A night of singing, dancing and music-making - a look back at House Singing 2022

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A night of singing, dancing and music-making - a look back at House Singing 2022

We finished for Exeat with the hotly contested House Singing Competition on Friday 14th October.

This year's competition provided the opportunity for every Salopian on site to perform in what can only be described as a hugely successful event and one that everyone should be incredibly proud of. The musical journey that each house had experienced during the first six weeks of term was fabulous to watch; from the leadership demonstrated within the student body, to the musical progress that was achieved all which is real testament to the drive of the pupils themselves.

With a slight change to proceedings this year, to accompany the Unison songs each house produced a live band. Watching over 50 Salopians perform in student led bands accompanying their houses could only be described as serious fun, the energy backing the singers meant the colour and achievements of all houses was superb.

We were incredibly thankful to our adjudicators this year, Alexander L’Estrange (composer, arranger at the heart of the global choral scene), Esther Randall (mezzo-soprano and vocal coach known to many at school) and Jerry Price (Director of Music at the incredibly musical Winterfold House Prep School).

Jerry Price said: "What a great show of singing we were treated to. A really high standard and great entertainment. Great to see the live bands playing with the pupils and so many pupils being involved to such a high level. It was also so slickly run, brilliant!"

Alexander L’Estrange added: "I was genuinely impressed with your singers."

The results were as follows:

Student Leadership Prize: Ryan M and Sam U (Severn Hill)

Best Band: Churchill's Hall

Best Arrangement: Ed P (Rigg's Hall)

Most Improved: Rigg's Hall

Selby Martin Cup for Most Entertaining Performance: School House

Part song: Rigg's Hall

Unison: The Grove

Overall Winner: Radbrook

Personally, I would like to congratulate each and every house in what was a memorable, and fantastic evening of fabulous music making, I know you all worked incredibly hard, but it was absolutely worth every minute. Well done all!

Maria McKenzie

Director of Music 

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A night of singing, dancing and music-making - a look back at House Singing 2022