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BBC Philharmonic musician impressed by this year's Wind Festival pupils

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BBC Philharmonic musician impressed by this year's Wind Festival pupils

On Sunday we held our annual Wind Prize, which featured over 50 of our wind musicians.  

Our adjudicator for the day was Jenifer Hutchinson, the piccolo player from the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra.  

The day started with an ensembles workshop, the students were put into quartets or trios and given a piece to learn. With a little input from the VMT’s to get them started, the students had 90 minutes to learn a piece to a performance standard. Many students do not have this opportunity on a weekly basis, the results were fantastic. Each ensemble managed a confident and well-rehearsed concert performance.  

Prizes were given for four different musical attributes; the prize winners were as follows: 

  • Musical Awareness: Jensen Y (Rt, LVI) 
  • Chamber Performance: Katie J (EDH, IV) 
  • Leadership: Seinosuke I (Rt, V) 
  • Outstanding Performer: Benedict F (Rb, III)  

After this, we moved on to two classes of solo prizes: Senior (for students working towards their first diploma) and Advanced (students working at the second or third diploma level). It was wonderful to see such refined and musical playing from all involved.  

Jenifer gave detailed feedback for all performers and awarded prizes for the first 3 places. They were as follows:  

Senior Class: 

  • 1st - Godwin Y (SH, UVI) 
  • Highly Commended - Richard P (PH, III) 
  • Commended - Vuk Z (Ch, LVI) and Edward P (I, LVI) 

 Advanced Class: 

  • 1st - Natalia T (EDH, LVI) 
  • Highly Commended - Bob L (S, IV) 
  • Commended - Chester Y (Ch, LVI) 

Jennifer had some very encouraging comments and really enjoyed the day, adding: “I had the great pleasure of adjudicating the wind prize at Shrewsbury school in early February. I was very impressed by the high standard of performance and full commitment shown by all students involved.” 

Katy Landon  

Head of Wind, Brass & Percussion 


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BBC Philharmonic musician impressed by this year's Wind Festival pupils