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'A wealth of musical talent' at the 2023 Leavers' Concert

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'A wealth of musical talent' at the 2023 Leavers' Concert

One of the great musical delights of the final weeks of the Summer Term is the Leavers’ Concert, which this year took place in the Alington Hall on 23rd June.

This year's concert was a larger scale affair than usual, reflecting the wealth of musical talent embodied in the 2023 Leavers. An eclectic and varied programme embraced individual solo performances, Vivaldi’s Gloria, two movements from 20th century Concertos and, to round off the concert, a virtuoso violin lollipop.

Godwin Y's (SH, UVI) exquisite oboe playing as soloist in Strauss’s whimsical and wistful Oboe concerto set the tone for feast of varied delights over the following two hours. Godwin was succeeded by the extreme athleticism of flautist Joyce L (M, UVI) in some sparkling variations on classic tunes from Carmen. A complete contrast in mood was then offered by two singers, Reuben L-O (Rb, UVI) extolling the life of vagabond in the lovely Vaughan-Williams song, and Lwsi R (M, UVI), her voice perfectly suited to the haunting Welsh ballad Anfonaf Angel.

Shrewsbury School is also saying a very reluctant farewell to Richard Stafford, Director of Choral Music, whose musicianship and dynamism were fully on display evident in the Vivaldi Gloria which rounded off the first half of the concert, a taut and utterly compelling performance by the chamber choir and orchestra in a performance which could have come straight from professional stage, with harpsichord continuo playing to match by Arthur H-B (I, UVI). Exquisite vocal solos were provided by sopranos Annabel T (EDH, UVI), Eva G (G, UVI), and Iris D (G, UVI), contraltos Kate W (M, UVI) and Eleanor K (MSH, UVI), and instrumental solos by Godwn Y (oboe), Sandy B (Rb, LVI) (cello) and Mia H (G, IV) (cello).

A lighter mood opened the second half, with Sam H’s (I, UVI) virtuosic tuba-playing on display in Ray Woodfield’s Varied Mood, Elliot I’s (Rb, UVI) saxophonic athleticism (not to mention the pianist Susie Allan’s) in Matitia’s The Devil’s Rag. A haunting Estonian duet for voice and guitar followed, courtesy of Gabriela T (G, UVI) and Laurie M (Rb, UVI), with the greatest possible contrast provided by two of the school’s most versatile musicians, Ethan P (I, UVI) in a drum solo, accompanied by Ivo W (Rb, LVI).

Jia Shin Q (Rt, UVI) was the totally accomplished piano soloist in the delicately sculpted opening movement of Poulenc’s Piano Concerto, and violinist Jay W (SH, UVI) provided the finale, an exuberant solo performance in Beriot’s showpiece Scene de Ballet

The spotlight must of course be on the Leavers, but particular mention must be made of Susie Allan, always an accompanist of distinction, Staff Leaver Richard Stafford, mentioned above, and Director of Music Maria Mackenzie, the fruits of whose tireless first year in post were on spectacular display in a memorable evening.

Richard Hudson

Watch the Leavers' Concert here:



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'A wealth of musical talent' at the 2023 Leavers' Concert