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Exciting workshops at the annual Piano Festival

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Exciting workshops at the annual Piano Festival

On Sunday 25th February, we had our annual Piano Festival.  

This year, we were lucky to have Adam Swayne, who is Deputy Head of School of Keyboard Studies and Professor of Piano at Royal Northern College of Music, as the workshop leader and the adjudicator.   

We started with the workshop in which we played Mr Swayne's "Football Crazy". Two grand pianos, 7 keyboards and a toy piano were prepared for about 25 piano students and staff, and a bassoon player also joined. The students were divided into two teams and played the musical battle through the composition of "Football Crazy" between them.  

This was a fun piece to play with educational intentions of encouraging students to play in an ensemble and to listen to each other. Nevertheless, the workshop was excitingly led by Mr Swayne with a blaring horn, whistle and humour, and students very much enjoyed playing this fun piece. The Participation Prize was awarded to Logan (Riggs, V) who was the captain of the winning team.  

This was followed by Piano Prize, which is an inter-school piano competition. 39 students participated this year, which was a huge increase from last year, and they all braved the stage to perform a solo piece each.  

The results of each class are as follows.  


  • 1st Violet (M, IV)  
  • 2nd Ben (Ch, III)  
  • 3rd Leo (Rt, IV)  


  • 1st Sebastian (R, III)  
  • 2nd Hiro (Rt, III)  
  • 3rd Mia (G, V)  
  • Highly Commended Luc (I IV)  
  • Commended George (SH, V)  


  • 1st Chit (R, III)  
  • 2nd Joanna (QEH, IV)  
  • 3rd Apple (Moser's, III)  
  • Highly Commended Ranen (I, IV)  
  • Commended Tom (Ch, LVl)  

The standard of performance, especially in the Advanced Class, was extremely high. The winning performance of Chopin's Ballade No.1 by Chit confidently demonstrated mastery of technical demands and mature musicality, and certainly deserved this hotly competed award.  

 It was a fantastic afternoon where we all celebrated the student’s talent and hard work through the wonderful piano music.  

 Yuki Kagajo  

Head of Keyboard  

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Exciting workshops at the annual Piano Festival