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Adventure society explore the French Pyrenees

Shrewsbury School crest

Adventure society explore the French Pyrenees

This Summer the Adventure Department relaunched international adventure expeditions at Shrewsbury School.

The School has a long tradition of running international adventure-based trips, having run trips to the French Alps and Mount Kenya in Africa in the past.

This first Adventure-based trip involved seven students exploring the many exciting opportunities the French Pyrenees has to offer.

The group completed two mountaineering objectives including a two-day hike with an overnight stop at a mountain hut at over 2500 meters. They undertook an exciting Via Ferrata high above the town of Val-de-Sos, enjoyed some excellent rock climbing on warm sunny rock (a nice change from normal British climbing conditions), and cooled off in the Canyon De Marc an action packed gorge walk filled with abseils, zip lines and big jumps.

For those students who have had their interest peaked by the pictures and footage of what we got up to, we will be announcing our next Adventure Trip soon - watch this space.

Tom Folker

Head of Adventure

Watch highlights from the Pyrenees Trip here:


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