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'Pfirsich Preis' recipient travels to Germany for language school opportunity

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'Pfirsich Preis' recipient travels to Germany for language school opportunity

A Sixth Form pupil has spent the summer improving her German skills thanks to the Pfirsich Preis (The Huw Peach German award).

Following the launch of the prize last year, Jessica F-A (EDH, LVI) was lucky enough to take up this generous opportunity from the Peach family to spend a week in Munich at a language school. We cannot thank the Peach family enough for offering this funding and Jessica certainly had an enriching experience.

Here is what she had to say about her trip to Munich in the summer:

In den Sommerferien habe eine Woche in München verbracht, wo ich, nachdem ich den Pfirsich Preis erhalten habe, einen Sprachkurs gemacht habe. Es war eine tolle Erfahrung und ich habe viele Menschen aus der ganzen Welt kennengelernt. Die Stadt hat viel beeindruckende Architektur und es hat mir gefallen, eine Woche lang dort zuhause zu sein. Nachdem ich in der A2 Gruppe der Sprachschule angefangen hatte, stieg ich schnell in die B1 Gruppe auf, wo wir etwas über Aspekte der deutschen Kultur und einige komplexe Grammatik lernten. Ich kann nur allen empfehlen, Deutsch zu studieren, denn obwohl es eine schwierige Sprache ist, ist es so interessant, etwas über die Geschichte und Kultur Deutschlands aus der Perspektive von Muttersprachlern zu erfahren. Außerdem bietet das Erlernen der deutschen Sprache auf hohem Niveau viele Vorteile, weil es die meist gesuchteste Sprache auf dem Arbeitsmarkt ist und Deutsch kann viele verschiedene Karrieren begleiten. „

"This summer, I spent a week in Munich, where I did a language course after winning the Peach Prize. It was a great experience, and I met lots of people from all over the world. The city has so much amazing architecture and I enjoyed calling it my home for a week. After beginning in the A2 group I quickly moved up to the B1 group where we were learnt about aspects of German culture and some complex grammar points in German. I couldn’t recommend taking German enough, as although it is a difficult language, it is so interesting to study the history and culture of Germany through the perspective of native speakers. Also, pursuing German to a high level has many benefits because it is the most requested language on the job market and can accompany lots of different career paths!"

The Pfirsich Preis will be running again this year and Sophie Peach and Mr Yardley will be welcoming applications from the current Fifth and Lower Sixth Germanists in the school who might be interested in receiving funding for a language school in Germany in the summer of 2025.

More information about the Pfirsich Preis will be released in the next few weeks. If you have any further questions then please contact our Head of German, Mr Yardley ([email protected]).


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