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Old Salopian Hunt Team finish close 2nd in National Competition

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Old Salopian Hunt Team finish close 2nd in National Competition
Cross Country Old Salopians

Two Salopians, Ian Fraser (Ch. 1944-49 & Whip) and Nigel Miller (S. 47-52 & Whip) instigated Thames Hare & Hounds Running Club’s Annual “Old Boys Race” in 1953, which eventually became The Alumni Race.

This year it was run again on September 14th  over the 5 Mile Course, on the south west of Wimbledon Common.

OSH Chairman Peter Birch writes:

On Saturday morning, I got on the 7.30 am train, from Shrewsbury Railway Station, accompanied by one of our newest and youngest Old Salopian Hunt Members, James Nash (SH. 21-24), for the trip that eventually got us to the Pavilion, in Roehampton Vale, at 2 pm, after brunch and a bus delay in Putney. It was a reasonably warm and sunny day, which the organiser of The Alumni Race, David Jenkins of TH&H, said that it had “unfortunately made the cross-country course somewhat dry and easier than usual” !

After meeting up with the larger OSH Team of 13, beside The Pavilion of The Richardson Evans Memorial Playing Fields, it was time to get bib-numbers pinned on the “Green & Gold” OSH Vests and then take some team photos, before moving into the field, to the west, to line-up with some 200 other competitors. We were pleased to see Richard Barber (SH 1955-60 & previous President of The Salopian Club for 2010), who had come to support our Team and his friend Michael Johnson (S. 55-60).

Previous winner of the Girls Category, Liv Papaioannou (EDH. 14-16 & Huntswoman) came along, but had to resort to supporting, having sustained an ankle injury. After a ten minute delay, the Race started and everyone sprinted to the first gateway and into the next field, trying to find a decent position, before going into the narrowing path beyond and up the first incline. The course offers a good mixture of technicality and tests, even though today was lacking the mud and slippy terrain that many will remember of past years.

After 27 minutes, James Hoad of Winchester came back to the field, to win for a third time, but soon we were able to cheer our first counter, Oscar Dickins (R. 11-16 & Huntsman), who arrived in the funnel in 6th place, at 29 mins. 10 secs. Our second counter was Charlie Ockleston (O. 14-19 & H’) in 17th place, then, one of the Bayliss Brothers, Sam (Rt. 13-18) took 20th place and not far behind in 29th place was another new Team Member, Tom Atkin (O. 12-17). The sunshine and heat caused a degree of exhaustion, visible on the faces of the finishing competitors, but nevertheless our Team were running well. Second Bayliss Brother, Will, came in at 63rd, followed by Passy Goddard (G. 11-16) in 78th position, but achieved 4th place in the Girls category and was two minutes faster than last year. If only we could get 4 Girls to complete the course, then we could take the Cup for that category !

James Nash came in next at 85th and was first of the Under 17’s. Not far behind was Henry Newbould (Ch. 11-16 & J’ Whip) and newcomer Rory Marsden (Rt. 11-16). Returning to The Race were Tom Jackson (R. 15-20 & S’ Whip), Olly Russell (ex-Staff 15-22), James Humpish (SH. 08-13 & 2nd VIII Capt.) and our GB Veteran Champion, Michael Johnson who always wins his V80 Category !   There were 34 Schools’ Alumni Teams and 227 registered competitors, with 199 finishers in this year’s race.                       

For the last ten years or so, it has been pleasing to see that there has been a gradual increase in the number of OSH Members joining the Alumni Race Team and we have achieved podium places six times since 2018, including this year, coming 2nd in The Open Race, with our rivals, Sedbergh, just snatching the trophy from us.

Do go to see all results on   .

I should just add that we are very grateful to the Members and Friends of Thames Hare & Hounds Running Club, who do an excellent job organising this Annual Race, providing marshals, course markers and more, under the direction of David Jenkins, who has been the event organiser for the last 18 years.

TH&H provided Tea & Juice and cake, outside the Pavilion while we all cooled down after the excitement of the race and then it was time for a good number of our assembled Members to go to The Kings Head Pub on the corner of Roehampton Hugh Street, for celebratory drinks and much chat, along with a bowl of chips. We were also joined by an old Huntsman, Keith Mullineux (I. 62-66), and his wife (and their dog too !), who recalled days of The Hunt and more, amongst chat and beer in our happy band of Salopian Friends that continued into the evening … such was the enjoyment, Olly kept delaying the time that he should go to get his train to Cambridge !

A few of the day’s photos are here, but a full album of photos can be seen on our OSH Facebook page, which can also be found by using the Link on our OSH Website Page (within The School Website).

Here’s to another successful day back at The Alumni Race next year !

Peter Birch. OSH Chairman. (Dayboys Hall 1966-71 & Huntsman.)

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