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Salop’s Got Musical Talent and Showcase Concert

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Salop’s Got Musical Talent and Showcase Concert

An opportunity to watch our latest Salop's Got Musical Talent concert plus a Visting Music Teachers Showcase.

A Special Salop’s Got Musical Talent

I am delighted to bring you a special end-of-term Salop’s Got Musical Talent Concert which is loaded with lots of treats, human, canine and valedictory!

  1. O. Connor – tuba with Snoopy the Spaniel. Muppets Theme Tune
  2. D. Inglis-Jones - voice. Stars – Schonberg
  3. Mr Wilson – organ. Hornpipe Humoresque – Rawsthorne
  4. L. Rogstad – voice. Adelaide’s Lament – Loewe
  5. M. Powell-Turner – double bass and voices. Let Us Wander – Purcell
  6. M. Wheeler – violin. Violin Sonata No.1 - Tartini
  7. E. Bannister – voice. Cry Me A River – Hamilton
  8. I. Wilkinson – voice.  Si Mes Vers Avaient Des Ailes - Reynaldo Hahn
  9. J. Gould – saxophone. And It’s Good Night From Him – Darren Lord

Thank you for your listening during the past weeks. We’ve enjoyed having your company and look forward to seeing you here at some point in future.

Happy Easter!

Stephen Williams, Director of Music

Visiting Music Teachers Showcase

Our wonderfully talented team of Visiting Music Teachers present a special online concert.

Exploring performances from the lighter end of the repertoire will be: 

  • Mr Taylor – jazz piano
  • Mr Bradley-Fulgoni - piano
  • Mrs Theobald – oboe
  • Mrs Landon and Mr McKenzie – flute and clarinet
  • Mrs Robinson and Mr Lewis – violin and double bass
  • Mr Alldridge – trombone
  • and Ms Turpin – voice.

This is not just an opportunity to enjoy lovely music, but a chance to see the wealth of talents our teachers possess.

Stephen Williams, Director of Music

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Salop’s Got Musical Talent and Showcase Concert