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Second Annual pupil-written Economist Magazine published

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Second Annual pupil-written Economist Magazine published
clubs Economics

Last week saw the release of the second annual Economist Magazine, produced by our Economic Society students. 

It started in 2020 when under the guidance of Milton Tai (SH, 2021), economics students produced the “Shrewsbury Economists 2020”. The magazine breached new frontiers of academic insightfulness into the economic issues facing our world as seen through the eyes of young economic minds. It looked like the pinnacle of success. 

It was but the beginning. In 2021, undeterred by the restrictions on school life forced upon it by Covid, Steven B (I, UVI) and his editorial team from the Economics Society took up the baton to produce the “Shrewsbury Economists 2021”. The magazine released last week surpassed the very high standard achieved last year, with not only insightful articles, but with amazing artwork, comic strips, quizzes, and a splash of humour, not least from a smattering of economics jokes so cringe-worthy they can only be seen as genius! 

Should anyone wanting to experience the jolly good read that is the “Shrewsbury Economists 2021”, please feel free to email me on [email protected] for a “real” copy to be sent over, or enjoy the version in PDF.  

Nick Zafar 

Teacher I/C Economics Society 

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