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A look back at the Pushkin Society's first term

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A look back at the Pushkin Society's first term

Last term, the Pushkin Society was established by Salopians to discuss Russian current affairs and literary works. Boris P (SH, LVI) tells us more. 

The Pushkin Society (the name deriving from the Russian poet Alexander Pushkin) is an open club where Russian current affairs and literary works are discoursed.  

It was founded to offer an insight to individuals who have a cornucopian interest in traversing the Russian world, both past and present.  

Alexander Pushkin

As a native Russian, I look to effectively represent the resident archivist, who can apply inherent knowledge and experience to guide others through intriguing subjects from picturesque landscapes and decorated authors and poets to its societal disparities and tyrannical regimes. 

Our meetings consistently vary in content and entertain our members with an element of panache; on a weekly basis, we take out a book at random from this archive that is embedded in the streets of Moscow and enlighten the members. 

Thus far, we have held in-depth book reviews and subsequent thoughtful discussions on its disposition in Russian history and community. We have directed members to begin reading a book by a Russian author, to cultivate their knowledge, as well as stimulating discussion on subjects that they wish to explore in more granular detail. 

The Pushkin Society

Looking ahead, we are planning on broadening the content of our talks with subjects other than literature, to instigate an elevated view on the idiosyncrasies of Russia.  This will be augmented by hosting Professor Andrew Kahn from Oxford University this term, who will be delivering an illuminating lecture on Alexander Pushkin, and the works of other notable Russian authors of the 20th Century. We are also intending to invite other speakers, such as Dr Anna Berman – who specialises in Russian literatures response to Charles Darwin - to forensicate the myriad of Russian intricacies further. 

We very much look forward to the future of this blossoming society, and to welcoming more students who profess an interest in this diverse country. 

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A look back at the Pushkin Society's first term