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Sowing the Wildflower Meadow: Eco Committee start work on the KH Lawn

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Sowing the Wildflower Meadow: Eco Committee start work on the KH Lawn

Last week our Eco Committee started work on a new Wildflower Meadow. Watch a video of the Committee sowing the seed.

The Eco Committee Leaders, Issy & Ling (MSH, UVI), Boris, Sasha & Tim (SH, UVI) organised the sowing of the Wildflower Meadow last week. At the planting, they said:

"Since our first meeting in 2018, the Eco-Committee has been campaigning for the Wildflower Meadow: where we hoped that by sharing more of our space with nature at school, we can raise awareness for human caused climate change and the rapid loss of Biodiversity around us. The seeds we sow today will develop over the next five years into a thriving wildflower meadow, containing vast amounts of biodiversity..

"This would not have been possible without the help of past eco leaders and members with special mention to Ella Ho who was in upper sixth last year. As one of the most dedicated climate change activists the committee has seen and a constant proactive presence in the leadership team, without whom today would not have been possible. And of course, to Mrs. Matthews, whose determination and unwavering support has helped guide the Eco-Committee from a small group to an integral part of Shrewsbury life. We would also like to thank everyone who has come today to help, we hope you will see the meadow flourish over the next few years. The first couple might see the meadow in rather a developing period but do not be perturbed, it will blossom overtime."


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Sowing the Wildflower Meadow: Eco Committee start work on the KH Lawn